How to liquid stake ATOM to receive stATOM with Stride?

Liquid Staking unlocks one of the biggest dilemmas when deciding the best strategy for getting returns in crypto. Should you lock your tokens up in staking or use them to trade on DeFi?
When users choose to generate yields by trading on DeFi, they choose not to use their tokens to secure the network through staking, one of the fundamental pillars of any blockchain.
Stride's liquid staking solution combines the best of both worlds. You can stake your tokens and receive in return derivative tokens from your delegated ones, with which you can trade and get returns on different platforms. In addition to receiving rewards for staking your tokens and participating in the security of the network, you will also have the opportunity to generate income from the different DeFi options on the market.
Stride brings a DeFi soul to liquid staking, a vision that will provide all the advantages of DeFi to the Cosmos Ecosystem while maintaining the security offered by staking. Stride's first goal: using stTokens to boost DeFi in Cosmos!
Learn how to liquid stake ATOM on Stride
To do liquid staking of ATOM through Stride, you will need to follow the steps below:
- First, you will have to transfer your ATOM to the Stride network. Connect your wallet to the Stride Zone App. To connect to Keplr wallet, you will need to install browser extension and have previously created a Keplr account.

- Stake your ATOM! Enter the amount of ATOM you want to stake in the
Amount to stake
box and clickLiquid stake

- A process summary window will appear, click on
Start staking

- Approve the transaction in your Keplr wallet by clicking on

- Once the tokens have been transferred to Stride, a
window will appear.

That's all! You can check your staked ATOMs and your stATOM tokens by clicking on the drop-down menu in your wallet section.

You will start receiving rewards from your staked ATOM and at the same time you will be able to participate in many DeFi opportunities, such as the Osmosis ATOM/stATOM pool by providing liquidity with your stATOMs.
Stride will be soon compatible with any Cosmos blockchain using IBC V3, so stay tuned for more content and guidelines!