Multicoin Faucet
How it works
Enter your wallet address
Copy and paste your wallet address on our platform. The funds will be sent directly to your wallet upon completion of the steps
Complete the captcha
We use captcha to ensure that only real people use our platform and to prevent bots from taking advantage of our system
Tweet your request ID
Post a tweet on your Twitter account with your request ID. This helps us identify your request without the need for unnecessary registrations and allows us to provide you with support if needed
Unique features
Easy to use
Our user-friendly interface makes it simple for anyone to request tokens without any technical knowledge required
Simple and fast
Stressed by complicated registrations? You won’t need any here! Tokens are sent directly to your wallet for a fast and hassle-free experience
Advanced security measures are implemented to ensure a fair and safe environment, free from malicious activity
Available crypto faucets
Supported by leading blockchains
Interested in integrating your token?
If you represent a blockchain and would like to integrate your token with our Multicoin Faucet, you're in the right place! To get started, please enter your email below for more details regarding the integration process