Based on the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"); Law 3/2018 on Data Protection ("LOPDGDD"); Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce ("LSSI") and other applicable regulations. STAKELY, S.L. (hereinafter STAKELY) as service provider, informs you, as a User of the Website, the use of cookies on it. STAKELY makes available to you this Cookies Policy referring to the Website operated under the domain https://stakely.io/es (hereinafter, "the Website").
1. What are cookies and how they work
Cookies are small text files of an informative nature that websites can use to make the user's experience and navigation more efficient. These cookies are installed on the computer of the person accessing the Website from any communication protocol (hereinafter, "the User"). On certain occasions, cookies collect and process personal data of the User, which is why the GDPR describes them as a type of "online identifier". There are also other similar information storage technologies (scripts, tracking pixels or other add-ons) that serve the same purpose as cookies.
2. How long cookies remain installed
As a general rule, the duration of cookies depends on their purpose, but in any case, they will be kept for a certain period of time, proportionate and limited in relation to their purpose. Depending on the time that cookies remain installed in your browser, they are classified as persistent cookies or session cookies. STAKELY’S COOKIES POLICY
3. Types of existing cookies
Cookies by duration
Session Cookies: These are cookies that expire when you leave the website, at which point the cookies are deleted from your browser. These cookies are used to link your actions on the website during navigation.
Persistent Cookies: These cookies remain stored once you leave the website, for a more or less prolonged period of time, depending on the purpose of each cookie. For example, persistent cookies allow the user to remember your preferences to keep them the next time you access the website.
Cookies by origin
- Own Cookies: Those sent to the User's device from the Website managed by STAKELY.
- Third party cookies: Those that are sent to the User's device from services or providers external to the Website managed by STAKELY.
4. Types of cookies used on the Website
In accordance with the above, the Website uses cookies to facilitate and optimize the User's browsing, as well as to authenticate or identify him/her when accessing the contracted services. Specifically, the following are used:
4.1 Own Cookies:
Technical or necessary cookies: As a STAKELY Website User, you must accept this cookie to allow the service to remain operational. They are strictly necessary to facilitate your navigation on our Website, as well as to ensure that the content loads efficiently on your device. Analytics cookies: These cookies allow us to analyze user traffic by generating a user ID that is used to measure how many times a Website is visited by a particular user. It also records when was the first and last time you visited the Website, when a session has ended, as well as the territorial origin of the user through the IP.
4.2 Third-party cookies:
Browsing through the Website may entail that the User may be offered to link to another website or to an application or social networking website. Specifically, the STAKELY Website contains Google Analytics cookies. These cookies are implemented on our Website in order to strengthen the analysis and interpretation capabilities of the Website usage data. LIST OF COOKIES BY ISSUER
5. Consent, configuration, dtivation or elimination of cookies
When you visit our website for the first time, we will show you a pop-up window with an explanation about cookies. As soon as you click "Accept", you agree to our use of the categories of cookies and plugins as described in this Cookie Policy. You can change your cookie settings at any time here. In this way, you can change your privacy preferences by enabling or disabling each type of cookie. You can disable cookies and/or delete them through your browser settings. However, we warn you that disabling some cookies may cause a slowdown in the connection between STAKELY and the User, or the impossibility of offering you certain features of the website.