BitCanna incentivized testnet — Our first thoughts

BitCanna is a project whose goal is to provide a decentralized payment network and supply chain for the legal cannabis industry by using its coin, $BCNA.
Stakely has been invited to this testnet as professional validators, so we will be participating in this new testnet as well as running our mainnet validator in the future.
Phase 1
The first phase of this testnet is getting to its end, so we’d like to share our experience about it.
Firstly, we had to get a VPS that satisfied the requirements for this testnet, which were:
- Linux VPS with 4GB RAM
- 2 Cores
- 20 GB SSD
Then, if we go to the instructions of this phase, we can see that everything is quite well explained, although we would have liked to see it with a different organization. For example, it would have been great to also see the instructions directly in this previous link and the How to submit? should have also appeared in the Task Center when submitting each one of the tasks.
Task 1 and 2
The instructions to run the full node and the validator were quite clear. Once your validator was running, you could check it through this explorer. Task 2 was about applying some parameters to connect your validator to their Prometheus analytics. The way to check if you did this task correctly, was to go to the Grafana monitor and look if your IP was there. However, you are not going to appear there automatically, as firstly you should submit your task 2. This should have been said in the task 2 instructions because you could have lost some time checking if there were something wrong with your validator configuration.
As you can see, we didn’t face any issues at all, so congratulations BitCanna’s team. It was really easy to follow.
Script to complete these tasks
We appreciate the good work and the fast support they gave in its Discord channel, so we’ve developed an easy-to-follow script that deploys task 1 and task 2 in just two clicks. This script is publicly available here.