Stakely Blog
December 21, 2023

Discover the 10 best non-custodial Ethereum wallets in 2024

December 21, 2023

Entering the world of Ethereum requires not only knowledge and strategy but also the right tools. Non-custodial wallets are a crucial choice in your journey through decentralized finance, and in 2024, the landscape of Ethereum wallets is more diverse and complex than ever.

Here, we present a detailed comparison to help you navigate the options and find the best Ethereum wallet that suits your needs, whether you're a newcomer or a blockchain veteran.

Understanding the different types of Ethereum wallets

Before delving into the specifications of each non-custodial wallet for 2024, it's crucial to understand the different types of wallets available in the market. Each type offers a unique balance of convenience, control, security, and functionality. Here's a basic classification to help you better understand the options we'll discuss below:

1. Software Wallets or Hot Wallets

These wallets run on devices connected to the Internet, such as computers, phones, or tablets. They are known for their ease of use and quick access.

  • Pros: Fast access to funds, user-friendly interface, integration with various applications and services.
  • Cons: Lower security due to their constant internet connection, more susceptible to online attacks.

2. Hardware Wallets or Cold Wallets

These are physical devices designed to securely store cryptocurrencies offline. They are less susceptible to online attacks and are considered one of the safest ways to store crypto assets long-term.

  • Pros: High security, offline storage, resistance to online attacks.
  • Cons: Initial cost, may be less convenient for frequent transactions.

3. Paper Wallets

In this case, we're talking about a literal piece of paper with the private key or a printed QR code. They are a form of cold storage since they are not connected to the internet.

  • Pros: Immune to online attacks, nearly zero cost.
  • Cons: Easy to lose or damage, impractical for frequent or fast use.

4. Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallet versions consist of applications installed on a mobile device. They combine convenience with reasonable security, depending on the specific features of the application.

  • Pros: Portability, ease of use, often integrate additional features like QR scanning for quick transactions.
  • Cons: Risk if the device is lost or hacked, depends on the security of the mobile device.

5. Desktop Wallets

These are software installed on a personal or laptop computer. They offer a balance between accessibility and security.

  • Pros: Full control over keys, not dependent on third parties, robust security features.
  • Cons: Vulnerable if the computer is hacked or infected with malware.

6. Multisignature Wallets or Multisig

These types of wallets require more than one private key to authorize a transaction. They are designed to enhance security by spreading risk among multiple devices or individuals.

  • Pros: Improved security, ideal for corporate use or groups.
  • Cons: Complexity in setup and use, can be slower for transactions.

Each type of wallet has its own features, advantages, and disadvantages, and the choice depends on your specific needs, level of activity, and security concerns. Now that you have a clear idea of the different types of wallets available, let's explore the best non-custodial wallet options for Ethereum in 2024.

Hot versus cold wallets
Hot versus cold wallets


MetaMask has established itself as the preferred wallet for many Ethereum users, offering a user-friendly interface and deep integration with the DeFi ecosystem.

Its ability to connect to a variety of blockchains and its wide acceptance in dApps make MetaMask a solid choice, although concerns about privacy and centralization of services are cons to consider.

  • Features: Browser extension and mobile app, compatibility with multiple blockchains, token swaps, and advanced security and privacy options.
  • Pros: High usability, multi-chain support, integration with cold wallets.
  • Cons: Privacy concerns and limitations for uses outside the realm of smart contracts.


Rabby, also known as the alternative to MetaMask, stands out as an open-source wallet that emphasizes transparency and security.

It is an excellent choice for those who value clarity about the operations they are conducting and want a more controlled and secure web experience. However, its limited browser availability and lack of support for some testnets may be a drawback for advanced users.

  • Features: Open-source web wallet, transaction security analysis, auto-connection to the correct chain.
  • Pros: Multi-chain support, transaction clarity, security alerts.
  • Cons: Limited browser availability, incompatibility with some testnets.

Coinbase Wallet

Coinbase Wallet combines ease of use with the backing of one of the world's largest exchanges. Its focus on security and wide compatibility with different types of assets makes it an attractive option for many users. However, its semi-open nature and the KYC requirement may be a hindrance for those seeking a fully decentralized and anonymous experience.

  • Features: Allows storage and trading of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, offers support with Ledger, advanced encryption.
  • Pros: Wide token compatibility, strong security, Coinbase backing.
  • Cons: Semi-open code, specific fees, KYC policies, and a focus on US users.

Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet presents itself as an all-in-one solution for those who want to interact with a wide range of cryptocurrencies and DApps. Its intuitive design and lack of KYC requirements make it popular among a broad audience. However, it's important to be aware of the risks associated with connecting to unaudited protocols and the security of your private keys.

  • Features: Private key storage, compatible with a wide range of cryptocurrencies and DApps.
  • Pros: Extensive compatibility, ease of use, no KYC required.
  • Cons: Risks associated with unaudited protocol connections, lack of desktop interface.



Argent takes an innovative approach by replacing traditional private keys with smart contracts for increased security and simplified wallet recovery. Its integration with leading DeFi services and focus on ease of use make it attractive to users looking for a more secure and less technical experience. However, its limitation to the Ethereum network may be a restrictive factor for some.

  • Features: Use of smart contracts for security, Argent's Guardians, integration with DeFi services.
  • Pros: Advanced security, efficient zkSync swaps, ease of use.
  • Cons: Lower popularity, limited to Ethereum only, lack of desktop options.


Zerion caters to advanced users looking for comprehensive management of their DeFi investments. With an interface that allows tracking, managing, and optimizing assets in real-time, Zerion is ideal for those seeking a powerful DeFi-focused tool. The learning curve and the need for a greater technical understanding may be barriers for less experienced users.

  • Features: Comprehensive DeFi portfolio management, real-time asset tracking, trade fee optimization.
  • Pros: Support for multiple DeFi protocols, user-friendly interface, no KYC.
  • Cons: Not compatible with hardware wallets, may be complex for novice users.


Rainbow combines a user-friendly and sleek interface with a smooth and accessible user experience. It serves as an excellent entry point for new users to the Ethereum world, although its exclusive focus on this network and the lack of desktop options limit its reach.

  • Features: Easy access to Uniswap, support for ENS, NFT visualization.
  • Pros: Intuitive and user-friendly interface, focus on new users.
  • Cons: Limited to Ethereum, lack of desktop options.


Trezor offers a cold storage solution with an easy-to-use interface and broad asset compatibility. It's a solid choice for those concerned about security without sacrificing flexibility. However, the price and the need for technical knowledge can be challenging for some users.

  • Features: Secure hardware wallet, wide crypto and device compatibility.
  • Pros: Focus on security, variety of supported assets, versatile use.
  • Cons: Initial cost, learning curve for beginners.


SafePal takes cold wallet security to a new level with its air-gapped connectivity and compact design. Its focus on security and innovation makes it stand out, although the limited selection of cryptocurrencies and the learning curve may be considerations for some users.

  • Features: Cold wallet in the form of a card, air-gapped connectivity, large screen, and interactive buttons.
  • Pros: Broad compatibility, innovative connectivity, robust security system.
  • Cons: Device fragility, possible limitation in supported cryptocurrencies.


Frame presents itself as a robust and flexible solution for advanced users and Web3 enthusiasts. Its support for multiple chains and its user-centric interface make it an attractive option for those seeking a richer and more personalized experience in interacting with dApps and other blockchain services.

  • Features: Open-source web3 wallet, NFT interface, Omnichain architecture.
  • Pros: Flexibility in EVM networks, attractive interface, desktop and browser options.
  • Cons: Lower knowledge and usage in the community, complexity for novice users.


Ledger remains one of the most secure options for cryptocurrency storage, keeping your valuable assets out of the reach of online attacks. Its commitment to security and privacy makes it ideal for users seeking peace of mind. However, the initial investment and the need for basic technical knowledge are important considerations.

  • Features: Cold wallet with wide asset compatibility and ease of use.
  • Pros: Offline security, practical interface, compatible with multiple cryptocurrencies.
  • Cons: Limited internal memory in some models, technical knowledge required.
Ledger Nano S
Ledger Nano S

DYOR and choose your ideal Ethereum wallet!

Choosing a non-custodial wallet is personal and varies according to your needs and preferences. Each wallet has its advantages and disadvantages, and it's important to research and compare to find the one that best suits your investment style. Remember, security and knowledge are key in managing your digital assets.

We hope this updated guide for 2024 serves as a foundation for making an informed and secure decision!

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María López
Gloria Zulay


Understanding the different types of Ethereum wallets
Coinbase Wallet
Trust Wallet
DYOR and choose your ideal Ethereum wallet!

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