Stakely Blog
May 6, 2024

Blockchain News Digest | April 2024 Update

May 6, 2024

Welcome to our April news recap! This month has brought us network launches, new integrations and collaborations, advancements in AI for dApps, greater interoperability between blockchains, as well as airdrops and incentivized testnets. So, if you want to stay updated, sit tight and let's get started!

Important notice

If you delegate BitCanna, Tgrade, DYM, or DyDX with us, we invite you to redelegate your tokens to another validator. We have decided to cease our activities on these networks, and the unbonding process will end on May 14. If you need support during the process, don't hesitate to contact us via Telegram.


Parity Technologies has announced that the bridge between Polkadot and Kusama is live. This advancement will boost interoperability solutions between networks and blockchains such as Ethereum.

Release of the JAM "Gray Paper"

During the Token2024 conference in Dubai, Gavin Wood, co-founder of Polkadot, published the Gray Paper for the Join-Accumulate Machine (JAM), a protocol being developed as the successor to the Polkadot Relay Chain. JAM aims to address scalability and asynchronous backing challenges, which are crucial for Polkadot's success as a BaaS platform.

Stellar <> Polkadot

XLM users now have new opportunities to earn DeFi yields on Polkadot. A notable example is Zenlink DEX, where there are pools with DOT/XLM and PEN/XLM pairs, on the Pendulum network.

AI in dApps with Phala Network

Phala Network's AI-Agent Contracts will facilitate the incorporation of AI into dApps, allowing seamless integration and decentralized monetization of AI-Agents.

Tanssi confirms incentivized testnet

The Tanssi App Chain has launched its Let's Forkin' Dance incentivized campaign on its Dancebox testnet, aimed at attracting and rewarding early participants. Tanssi has allocated 1% of the Tanssi Network in incentives.


Is INJ the most deflationary token?

Governance proposal #392, INJ 3.0, has been approved to reduce the issuance of new INJ tokens. This, combined with the weekly token burn and the Max Supply of 100M, strengthens INJ's deflationary nature.

Additionally, Ninja Blaze has landed in the Injective ecosystem with game options such as Jackpot, Roshambo, and Double, as well as future Lottery and Lootbox platforms.

The Ionic update to the Injective Bridge now allows interaction with over 16 destinations, including Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos.

And lastly, Leap Wallet has integrated with Ledger, enabling users to import and manage their $INJ tokens, while Ninji has launched its D-App browser for Chrome, Android, and iOS.


The Fantom ecosystem now includes USDC.e, a stablecoin backed by Wormhole and Circle, available for exchange and use on DEXs within the Fantom network.

Investors such as Stani Kulechov (Aave), Robert Leshner (Compound), Fernando Martinelli (Balancer Labs), and Michael Egorov (Curve Finance) have come together to support the launch of Fantom's new Sonic chain.

Trading challenge

UniDEX, a swap aggregator platform operating with perpetuals, is offering a $30,000 prize for the top FTM traders over a 7-week period.


This month, Hong Kong has approved Bitcoin and Ether ETFs, enhancing market liquidity through direct asset-for-ETF share exchanges.

Discover Lido’s Simple DVT Module

This update empowers ETH stakers, both solo and community stakers, focusing on Ethereum's security and decentralization.

EigenLayer mainnet is live!

Stakely supports the EigenLayer mainnet, accompanied by six new AVS alongside EigenDA: AltLayer, Brevis, Eoracle, Lagrange, Witness Chain, and Xterio games. If you need help with restaking, we've got you covered with our videotutorial!


Multi-chain voting has arrived in Cosmos. Mintscan has implemented the option to vote across different chains by connecting your wallet. The options are available on Cosmostation, Keplr, and soon, Leap.

Meanwhile, Source Protocol is creating blockchain solutions for enterprises by tokenizing real-world assets (RWA) using smart contracts.

Bitcoinization of Cosmos?

Nomic Bridge and Babylon chain are partnering to offer stBTC, a liquid staking Bitcoin token within the Cosmos ecosystem.


SuiPlay0X1 is the first portable console designed for the Web3 world. Developed by Playtron, this console will be linked to the Sui network and will offer user incentives.

Is TikTok exploring Sui? BytePlus, the tech division of ByteDance, which backs TikTok, has partnered with MystenLab of Sui to explore data storage, recommendation, and content creation technologies, as well as invest in performance enhancements with ByteHouse.


EthStorage will provide DA BLOB to Manta Network thanks to Celestia’s modular DA, consolidating its role in blockchain modularity.

Celestia's Infinite Space Bazaar offers over $100,000 in prizes for groundbreaking builds on Celestia and its rollups, in a hackathon that ends on May 17.


The arrival of native ERC-20 tokens on Evmos will make it easier for developers to create Cross-Chain Farming applications using Single Token Representation (STR).

Multi-chain profitability with one click! Callbacks Middleware will allow Evmos dApps to communicate and execute joint actions regardless of the chain they run on, simplifying the user experience.


Osmosis v24.0.0 has implemented the Interchain Accounts module (ICA), allowing broader and faster cross-network transactions. Other technical improvements include reducing block time to 3 seconds and implementing IBC Wasm.


Astroport has airdropped 3.2M AXV to Drop Camp participants. Don’t miss out on new on-chain and off-chain missions to earn your badge and qualify for future rewards.

Additionally, Archway will present Network Wars, a blockchain game bringing $20K in rewards for its first season.

See you soon!

Our monthly recap has been filled with exciting developments. See you in May with more news and opportunities in these vibrant blockchain development communities. And remember, to stay up-to-date with your favorite blockchains, don't forget to follow us on our social platforms!

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Gloria Zulay


Important notice
See you soon!

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