How to stake CTK with Shentu DeepWallet

Our staking tutorials provide comprehensive guidelines on how to stake CTK. Are you ready to join our staking community?

Follow this step by step below

Connect or create a Shentu DeepWallet

Visit the Shentu website to access the Shentu DeepWallet. If you already have an account, enter your login details to access your account. If you don't have an account, click on "Create Account" and follow the instructions to create a new one.

Step 1 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking  using Shentu DeepWallet
Step 1 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking using Shentu DeepWallet

Choose Stakely as your validator

Once you're logged in, you'll be able to see your account balance and other details. Click on the "Validator" tab located at the upper menu. Search for the Stakely validator and click on the "+" button to see more options. Then, click on the blue button to start the delegation process.

Step 2 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking  using Shentu DeepWallet
Step 2 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking using Shentu DeepWallet

Stake CTK with Stakely

Select the amount of CTK you want to delegate or click on "Max" to delegate all of your CTK. Click on "Continue" to proceed, and then confirm your delegation by reviewing the details of your transaction. Click on "Confirm" to initiate the delegation transaction.

Step 3 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking  using Shentu DeepWallet
Step 3 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking using Shentu DeepWallet

Manage your CTK staking

Wait for a few seconds for the transaction to be broadcasted and confirmed. After the transaction is confirmed, you will see a success message. You will be able to track, claim, redelegate, and undelegate your tokens at the same validators tab.

Step 4 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking  using Shentu DeepWallet
Step 4 of the Shentu Chain tutorial for staking using Shentu DeepWallet

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