How to stake ATOM with Keplr

Our staking tutorials provide comprehensive guidelines on how to stake ATOM. Are you ready to join our staking community?

Follow this step by step below

Install Keplr to stake ATOM

To stake ATOM, you will need a wallet compatible with Cosmos. The Keplr wallet is one of the most popular options for interacting with the Cosmos ecosystem. If you don’t already have a Keplr wallet, install the Keplr extension compatible with your browser. When you open it, you can create a new account, import an existing one using a seed phrase, or connect a Ledger device with the Cosmos Ledger app active.

Step 1 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking  using Keplr
Step 1 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking using Keplr

Connect your wallet on the Keplr Dashboard

Access the Keplr Dashboard and connect your wallet. Next, search for the Cosmos Hub network in the chain search bar in the sidebar menu and select the network.

Step 2 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking  using Keplr
Step 2 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking using Keplr

Delegate your ATOM with Stakely

Look for the Stakely validator and select it from the list of active validators. Click the Stake button and enter the amount of ATOM you want to delegate, making sure to leave at least 1 token undelegated to pay for network fees.

Step 3 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking  using Keplr
Step 3 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking using Keplr

Confirm your ATOM delegation

Confirm the transaction in your Keplr wallet and your ATOM delegation will become active and start earning rewards. You can claim your rewards from the same Keplr Dashboard.

Step 4 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking  using Keplr
Step 4 of the Cosmos tutorial for staking using Keplr

You can also stake with others wallets

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