How to stake STRD with Keplr

Our staking tutorials provide comprehensive guidelines on how to stake STRD. Are you ready to join our staking community?

Follow this step by step below

Install the Keplr extension

Install the Keplr Extension for Chrome and create a new account, import an account from seed, or connect the wallet with your Ledger device (with the Ledger Live App installed and opened).

Step 1 of the Stride tutorial for staking  using Keplr
Step 1 of the Stride tutorial for staking using Keplr

Stake STRD with Stakely

Go to the Keplr Dashboard and connect your Keplr Wallet extension. Search for Stride in the left-side menu.

Find Stakely in the validator list and click on Manage. Then, click on Delegate. Enter the total amount you want to stake, then click on Delegate and approve the transaction with the Keplr wallet extension.

Step 2 of the Stride tutorial for staking  using Keplr
Step 2 of the Stride tutorial for staking using Keplr

Approve the transaction on Keplr

Finally, approve the transaction with the Keplr wallet extension. Congratulations! Once your delegation has been processed, you will be staking STRD and earning rewards!

Step 3 of the Stride tutorial for staking  using Keplr
Step 3 of the Stride tutorial for staking using Keplr

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C/Ferraz 2, 2º Izq, 28008, Madrid, Spain