How to stake KSM with Polkadot JS
Follow this step by step below

Create your nominator account
Enter into the Kusama APP located at polkadot.js.org - kusama and create a new account if you don't have one yet. It is recommended to create two different accounts: a stash account, which will hold the nomination, and a controller account to manage this nomination. But you can perform the process with just one account.

Complete the nomination setup
Select Staking on the upper menu's Network submenu, then click on Nominator on Account actions.
Select stash account and controller account on the setup nominator page, then fill in the amount you want to stake and click Next. As said before, the stash and controller account can be the same wallet. You can also select the payment destination. The default selection will auto-compound your rewards.

Stake KSM with Stakely
Now you can select up to 16 validators to stake KSM. You can find us by searching Stakely in the validator list or with our validator address:
If you select multiple validators, your funds will be bonded to the node with the highest yield. Make sure you choose trusted validators since unsafe validators can cause slashing of your assets.

Confirm your KSM delegation
Confirm the transaction fee, introduce the password, then click on Sign and Submit to submit the transaction. The bond will be effective on the next era (max 6h). The box below shows that the nomination is successfully completed!