Comment staker EVMOS avec MetaMask
Suivez les instructions suivantes
Install MetaMask to stake EVMOS
To stake EVMOS, you will need the MetaMask wallet. Install the MetaMask extension for your browser. You can create a new account, import an existing one using a seed phrase, or connect a Ledger device with the MetaMask Ledger app active.
Fund your wallet with EVMOS
First, open your MetaMask extension and select the Evmos network by clicking on the network dropdown. Make sure you have the Evmos network added to your MetaMask wallet. Visit Evmos App or Chainlist and connect your wallet. Search for the Evmos network among the available networks and click on "Add to MetaMask." You will see the address to which you need to send EVMOS.
Stake EVMOS with Stakely
Head over to the Evmos App and connect your MetaMask extension. Then, search for "Stakely" and click on "Manage." Next, click on "Delegate." Enter the total amount you want to stake. Always leave 1 token unstaked to pay for future fees. Then, click on "Delegate" and approve the transaction with MetaMask.
Approve the transaction on MetaMask
Finally, approve the transaction with the MetaMask extension. Once your delegation has been processed, you will be staking EVMOS and earning rewards! You will be able to manage your staking from the Staking section of the Evmos App.